About Powerful Mind Workouts:

It is hard to talk about Powerful Mind workouts without talking about Lauren Graham and Joshua Graham. After many years working in the corporate world, they found their mental health at an all-time low. It was in 2014 then they started on their health journey, becoming certified nutritionists, trainers, mindfulness practitioners, and even to India to become certified yoga teachers. With all this knowledge they have coached thousands of individuals on wellness through their personal practice and by working with companies across Canada. A major problem appeared during their work there needs to be a simple way to improve one's personal mindset that is not meditation. That is how Powerful Mind Workouts was born. They developed a simple yet effective way to improve mindset integrating principles from their backgrounds, the latest research on neurophysiology, psychology and more.

Daily Workouts

New every single day and under 10 minutes!

Expert instructors

That help you be the best you

Life time access

Changes your life for the better

We are dedicated to improving your mental well-being

Our mission is to help you create a stronger, more positive, and resilient mind because when you elevate your mindset you unlock your potential. Our process is based on the latest in neuropsychology research. The brain is a complex structure but we do know that we can rewire and shift the mind based on our actions and behaviors. This is how Powerful Mind Workouts work, each workout you are creating stronger more powerful neural pathways that support you in your daily life so you can live a life that is more enjoyable.

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